Web of Science (WoS) is a widely used database that provides access to a vast collection of academic and scholarly publications. Various indexing services and databases are integrated into Web of Science to facilitate comprehensive coverage of scientific literature. Here are some key terms related to WoS indexing:

The overarching database that integrates multiple citation databases, including SCI and SSCI.

The Emerging Sources Citation Index is part of Web of Science. It includes high-quality, peer-reviewed publications that are in the process of establishing a reputation but do not yet have a significant citation record. Journals in ESCI are considered for inclusion in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) or the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) once they meet certain criteria.

ISI was the original name of the organization that created Web of Science. The term “ISI” is sometimes used colloquially to refer to Web of Science itself. The ISI citation databases, such as the Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), are core components of Web of Science.

ISI focuses on natural sciences, indexing and providing citation data for scholarly journals in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, and more.

SSCI is another component of Web of Science, and it specifically indexes and provides citation data for scholarly journals in the social sciences. It covers a range of disciplines such as sociology, psychology, economics, and political science.

SSCI focuses on social sciences, indexing and providing citation data for scholarly journals in disciplines like sociology, psychology, economics, and political science.


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